Transport Universe is your one stop shop for all your transportation needs. This is the place to buy, sell, ship, finance, and insure any vehicle, part or accessory from a spark plug to a space station.
For less than the price of a local newspaper ad, you can place your item where millions of buyers are searching.
Add color photos and a free exclusive Condition Report to  list every detail in full descriptive text!
You can list any item up to $50,000 for 90 days for as little as $9.95 with no hidden costs.  If your item does not sell, we will re-list it until it sells at no additional cost to you.
 Typical Local Newspaper Ad
A tiny little ad in the middle of a page full of other ads.  Usually full of abbreviations to save the seller money.  Every little letter costs you more!  Newspapers have a very limited circulation, and buyers must browse through hundreds of other ads before they see yours.
Dynamic Transport Universe Ad!
Newspaper vs. Transport Universe
Newspaper Transport Universe
Cost of 1 day Ad appx. $17 $9.95
Cost of 1 week Ad appx $35 same $9.95
Cost of 1 month Ad appx $150 same $9.95
Size of Ad for payment 3 lines full color page
Appx. Circulation 150,000 17 million
Photos? no YES
Condition Report? no YES
# of words / lines 3 lines unless you pay for more Unlimited text and photos at no extra charge
Colors Black & White Full color
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