#!/usr/bin/perl #Uncomment and modify the next line if you have experiencing path problems. #$odp_category_path = "/path/to/your/cgi-bin/odp"; ###################### # Copyright © 2000 Portal Scripts. # All Rights Reserved. # # The original developer of this software module and his/her company, the subsequent # editors and their companies, have no liability for use of this # software module or modifications thereof in an implementation. # # Permission to use, copy, and modify this software and its documentation on # the server of the customer is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice, this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all # copies. # # This software program and documentation are copyrighted by Portal Scripts. # The software program and documentation are supplied "as is", without any # accompanying services. Portal Scripts does not # warrant that the operation of the program will be # uninterrupted or error-free. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL PORTAL SCRIPTS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR # DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING # LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION. # ###################### ############################################## # Print The Page Header # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print <<"EOF"; Transport Universe - Transportation Auction and Car Auctions
Search Transport Universe
Any Vehicle Ever Made Is
At Your Fingertips!




Our Exclusive Condition Reports Show Every Detail!


Millions of page views every month!

 Over 1800 Transportation Categories.

EOF ; use strict; use vars qw(%CONFIG %MODULES %VARS %stop_list $cehc $erewop $tuo $netnoc $cehc_on $funky $odp_category_path); eval q{ require "stoplist.pm"; }; if($@ ne ''){ my $real_path; if($^O =~ m#win32#i){ if($ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'} ne ""){ $real_path = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}; $real_path =~ s#\\#/#g; $real_path =~ s#[^/]*$##; chdir($real_path); } } else{ if($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} ne ""){ $real_path = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; $real_path =~ s#[^/]*$##; chdir($real_path); } } } unless($odp_category_path eq ""){ chdir($odp_category_path); } my ($current_cat, $currentcat, $searchoutput, $search_string); eval q{ require "dirextract.pm"; require "searchextract.pm"; require "editorextract.pm"; require "tools.pm"; require "html_util.pm"; require "access_logs.pm"; require "stoplist.pm"; }; if($@ ne ''){ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print qq! Error in "require" statements:

!; exit; } my %cookies = &get_cookie; my $adult_status = $cookies{'adult'}; if($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ m#appr_okay#){ set_cookie("adult", "on"); } my ($cgi_url, $script_name) = &get_url; unless(-e "$script_name.name"){ opendir(CURRENT, "."); unlink( grep{m#\.name$#}readdir(CURRENT) ); closedir(CURRENT); open(FILE, ">$script_name.name"); flock(FILE, 2); print FILE "\n"; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); } %CONFIG = &read_config; $CONFIG{'CGI_URL'} = $cgi_url; $CONFIG{'SCRIPT_NAME'} = $script_name; if($CONFIG{'MAX_LOGS'} > 1000){ $CONFIG{'MAX_LOGS'} = 1000; } my $base = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; if($base =~ m#^search=#i){ if($base =~ m#fo=#){ $base = "http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/osearch?" . $base; } else{ $base = "http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?" . $base; if($CONFIG{'MAIN_SUB_CATEGORY'} ne "" and lc($CONFIG{'LIMIT_SEARCH_RESULTS'}) eq "yes"){ unless($base =~ m#all=no#){ my $main_sub_cat = $CONFIG{'MAIN_SUB_CATEGORY'}; $main_sub_cat =~ tr/ /_/; $main_sub_cat = uri_escape($main_sub_cat); if($base =~ s#cat=[^\&]*#cat=$main_sub_cat#){ unless($base =~ s#all=yes#all=no# ){ $base =~ s#\&$##; $base .= "\&all=no"; } } else{ if($base =~ s#all=yes#all=no# ){ $base =~ s#\&$##; $base .= "\&cat=$main_sub_cat"; } else { $base =~ s#\&$##; $base .= "\&all=no\&cat=$main_sub_cat"; } } } } } } elsif($base !~ m#^http://search#i) { $current_cat = $base; $current_cat =~ s#^/##; $current_cat =~ s#/$##; $base = "http://dmoz.org" . $base; } open(DATA, "conf.dat" ); binmode(DATA); my @conf_data = ; close(DATA); my $conf_data = pack('C*', @conf_data); eval qq{$conf_data}; #################### # Main page is drawn here #################### unless($cehc eq "change_ok"){ # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "fatal Error 807
"; print qq!Please contact ODP++ support to fix this problem!; exit; } if($base =~ m#^http://(www\.)?dmoz\.org/?$#i || $base eq "" ){ $VARS{'PAGE_TYPE'} = "main"; undef $/; open(FILE, "data/main.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); my $maincontent = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; $maincontent =~ s#\[link cat="/?([^"]*?)/?"\]([^\[]*)\[/link\]#$2#igs; # inserting SSI here. $maincontent =~ s#\[include\s+url="([^"]*)"\]#get_content($1)#egsi; $maincontent =~ s#\[include\s+path="([^"]*)"\]#transfer_content($1)#egsi; $maincontent =~ s#\[execute\s+path="([^"]*)"\]#execute_cgi($1)#egsi; $maincontent =~ s#\[advanced\s+url="([^"]*)"\s+start=!([^!]*)!\s+end=!([^!]*)!\]#adv_get_content($1, $2, $3)#egsi; $netnoc = $maincontent; &$funky; # Finally the output # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; unless($cehc_on eq "anok"){ print "fatal Error 808
"; print qq!Please contact ODP++ support to fix this problem!; exit; } print $netnoc; } #################### # Editor pages are drawn here #################### elsif($base =~ m#^http://dmoz.org/profiles/#i){ my $editor_html = editorextract($base); undef $/; open(FILE, "data/default.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[module\]\s*MAIN\s*\[/module\]#$editor_html#gsi; $netnoc = $VARS{'TEMPLATE'}; &$funky; # Finally the output # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; unless($cehc_on eq "anok"){ print "fatal Error 808
"; print qq!Please contact ODP++ support to fix this problem!; exit; } print $netnoc; } #################### # Category pages are drawn here #################### elsif($base =~ m#http://(www\.)?dmoz\.org#i){ $VARS{'PAGE_TYPE'}= "cat"; $VARS{'RAW_CURRENT_CAT'} = $current_cat; $VARS{'CURRENT_CAT'} = uri_unescape($current_cat); $VARS{'CURRENT_CAT'} =~ s#_# #g; $VARS{'CURRENT_CAT'} =~ m#^([^/]*)/?#; $CONFIG{'CAT_TEMPLATE_FILE'} = "cat.txt"; my $start_cat = $1; if(-f "data/$start_cat.txt"){ $CONFIG{'CAT_TEMPLATE_FILE'} = "$start_cat.txt"; } if(lc($CONFIG{'ENABLE_ADULT_FILTER'}) eq "yes" and $VARS{'CURRENT_CAT'} =~ m#^Adult# and $adult_status ne "on"){ if($VARS{'RAW_CURRENT_CAT'} =~ s#appr_okay$##){ $VARS{'RAW_CURRENT_CAT'} =~ s#appr okay$##; $base =~ s#appr_okay/$##; } else{ undef $/; open(FILE, "data/adultfilter.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); my $adult_template = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; $adult_template =~ s#\[CONTINUE\](.*?)\[/CONTINUE\]#$1#isg; # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print $adult_template; exit; } } my $temp_cat; if(lc($CONFIG{'ENABLE_CACHING'}) eq "yes"){ unless(-d "cache"){ mkdir("cache", 0755); } $temp_cat = $VARS{'RAW_CURRENT_CAT'}; $temp_cat =~ s#/#_#g; if(-e "cache/$temp_cat.txt"){ undef $/; open(FILE, "cache/$temp_cat.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); my $cache_source = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print $cache_source; if(lc($CONFIG{'ENABLE_LOGGING'}) eq "yes"){ &access_logs; } exit; } } my ($html_source, $form, $main, $alphabar, $cat0, $cat1, $cat2, $related, $listings, $newsgroup, $outsearch, $editors) = dirextract($base); $VARS{'HTML_SOURCE'} = $html_source; unless($CONFIG{'MAIN_SUB_CATEGORY'} eq ""){ $CONFIG{'MAIN_SUB_CATEGORY'} =~ tr/ /_/; my $temp_check = $CONFIG{'MAIN_SUB_CATEGORY'}; $temp_check =~ s#/?([^/]*)$##; my $last = $1; $last =~ tr/_/ /; $temp_check = uri_escape($temp_check); my @main_subs = grep{length} split('/', $CONFIG{'MAIN_SUB_CATEGORY'}); for my $sub (@main_subs){ $sub = uri_escape($sub); } my $full = join("/", @main_subs); my $top_sub = uri_unescape($main_subs[-1]); my $top_temp_check; eval q{ $top_temp_check = uri_unescape($main_subs[-2]); }; if($@ ne ''){ # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print qq! Error... You can't use the first level categories as MAIN_SUB_CATEGORY:
Please go to the admin, and correct this.

!; exit; } $top_sub =~ tr/_/ /; $top_temp_check =~ tr/_/ /; my $subs = ""; if( $main =~ m#$top_sub:#is or ($main =~ m#$top_temp_check:#is and $main =~ m#$last #is) ){ for my $sub (@main_subs){ $subs .= "/" . $sub; my $sub_text = uri_unescape($sub); $sub_text =~ tr/_/ /; $main =~ s#$sub_text:##is; } } } open(FILE, "top_cats.conf"); flock(FILE, 2); my $junk = ; my @top_cats = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); chomp(@top_cats); @top_cats = grep{length} @top_cats; for my $top_cat (@top_cats) { $top_cat =~ s#^\s+|\s+$##; $top_cat =~ tr/ /_/; my $temp_check = $top_cat; $temp_check =~ s#/?([^/]*)$##; my $last = $1; $last =~ tr/_/ /; $temp_check = uri_escape($temp_check); my @main_subs = grep{length} split('/', $top_cat); for my $sub (@main_subs){ $sub = uri_escape($sub); } my $full = join("/", @main_subs); my $top_sub = uri_unescape($main_subs[-1]); my $top_temp_check = uri_unescape($main_subs[-2]) if (scalar(@main_subs)>1); $top_sub =~ tr/_/ /; $top_temp_check =~ tr/_/ /; my $subs = ""; if( $main =~ m#$top_sub:#is or ($main =~ m#$top_temp_check:#is and $main =~ m#$last #is) ){ pop @main_subs; for my $sub (@main_subs){ $subs .= "/" . $sub; my $sub_text = uri_unescape($sub); $sub_text =~ tr/_/ /; $main =~ s#$sub_text:##is; } } } $MODULES{'FORM'} = $form; $MODULES{'MAINCAT'} = $main; $MODULES{'ALPHABAR'} = $alphabar; $MODULES{'CATS'} = $cat0 . $cat1 . $cat2; $MODULES{'CAT0'} = $cat0; $MODULES{'CAT1'} = $cat1; $MODULES{'CAT2'} = $cat2; $MODULES{'RELATED'} = $related; $MODULES{'LISTINGS'} = $listings; $MODULES{'NEWSGROUP'} = $newsgroup; $MODULES{'OUTSEARCH'} = $outsearch; $MODULES{'EDITORS'} = $editors; ############ #------------------------------------- ############ $MODULES{'LISTINGS'} =~ s#; my @category_filters = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); chomp(@category_filters); @category_filters = grep{length} @category_filters; for my $category_filter (@category_filters){ $category_filter =~ tr/ /_/; $category_filter = uri_escape($category_filter); } ############ #------------------------------------- ############ my @reg_listings_temp = $MODULES{'LISTINGS'} =~ m#((.*?))(.*?)(|

  • |

    )#gis; my @reg_listings = (); for (1..(scalar(@reg_listings_temp)/5) ){ push(@reg_listings, [shift(@reg_listings_temp), shift(@reg_listings_temp), shift(@reg_listings_temp), shift(@reg_listings_temp), shift(@reg_listings_temp)]); } undef $/; open(FILE, "data/listinglist.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); my $listing_template = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; for my $list (@reg_listings){ my $temp = $listing_template; if($list->[3] =~ s#]*?>##gis){ $list->[0] .= qq! Cool !; } $list->[3] =~ s#(\ )?(\-)?##gis; $list->[2] =~ s###isg; $list->[1] =~ s#^http://##i; my $short_url; if(length($list->[1]) > 50){ $short_url = substr($list->[1], 0, 50) . "...."; } else{ $short_url = $list->[1]; } $temp =~ s#\[LISTING\]#$list->[0]#sg; $temp =~ s#\[URL\]#$list->[1]#sg; $temp =~ s#\[SHORT_URL\]#$short_url#sg; $temp =~ s#\[TITLE\]#$list->[2]#sg; $temp =~ s#\[DESCRIPTION\]#$list->[3]#sg; $list = [$temp, $list->[0] ,$list->[1] , $list->[2], $list->[3]]; } $MODULES{'LISTINGS_CUSTOM'} = join( "\n", map{$_->[0]} @reg_listings ); ############ #------------------------------------- ############ my @related_cats_temp = $MODULES{'RELATED'} =~ m#(.*?).*?\((.*?)\)#gis; my @related_cats = (); for (1..(scalar(@related_cats_temp)/3) ){ push(@related_cats, [shift(@related_cats_temp), shift(@related_cats_temp), shift(@related_cats_temp)]); } for my $category_filter (@category_filters){ @related_cats = grep{$_->[0] !~ m#$category_filter#} @related_cats; } @related_cats = map{[$_->[0] , $_->[2]]}@related_cats; undef $/; open(FILE, "data/relatedlist.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); my $relatedlist_template = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; for my $list (@related_cats){ my $temp = $relatedlist_template; $list->[0] =~ s###gis; $temp =~ s#\[CATEGORY\]#$list->[0]#sg; $temp =~ s#\[COUNT\]#$list->[1]#sg; $list = [$temp, $list->[0] ,$list->[1]]; } $MODULES{'RELATED_CUSTOM'} = join( "\n", map{$_->[0]} @related_cats ); ############ #------------------------------------- ############ my @cats_list0_temp = $MODULES{'CAT0'} =~ m#((.*?)\@?)\s*\ \;\((.*?)\)#gis; my @cats_list1_temp = $MODULES{'CAT1'} =~ m#((.*?)\@?)\s*\ \;\((.*?)\)#gis; my @cats_list2_temp = $MODULES{'CAT2'} =~ m#((.*?)\@?)\s*\ \;\((.*?)\)#gis; my @cats_list0 = (); my @cats_list1 = (); my @cats_list2 = (); for (1..(scalar(@cats_list0_temp)/4) ){ push(@cats_list0, [shift(@cats_list0_temp), shift(@cats_list0_temp), shift(@cats_list0_temp), shift(@cats_list0_temp)]); } for (1..(scalar(@cats_list1_temp)/4) ){ push(@cats_list1, [shift(@cats_list1_temp), shift(@cats_list1_temp), shift(@cats_list1_temp), shift(@cats_list1_temp)]); } for (1..(scalar(@cats_list2_temp)/4) ){ push(@cats_list2, [shift(@cats_list2_temp), shift(@cats_list2_temp), shift(@cats_list2_temp), shift(@cats_list2_temp)]); } for my $category_filter (@category_filters){ @cats_list0 = grep{$_->[1] !~ m#$category_filter#} @cats_list0; @cats_list1 = grep{$_->[1] !~ m#$category_filter#} @cats_list1; @cats_list2 = grep{$_->[1] !~ m#$category_filter#} @cats_list2; } @cats_list0 = map{[$_->[0], $_->[2], $_->[3]]}@cats_list0; @cats_list1 = map{[$_->[0], $_->[2], $_->[3]]}@cats_list1; @cats_list2 = map{[$_->[0], $_->[2], $_->[3]]}@cats_list2; undef $/; open(FILE, "data/catlist.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); my $catlist = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; for my $cat0 (@cats_list0){ my $temp = $catlist; $cat0->[0] =~ s###gis; $temp =~ s#\[CATEGORY\]#$cat0->[0]#sg; $temp =~ s#\[COUNT\]#$cat0->[2]#sg; $cat0 = [$temp, $cat0->[0] ,$cat0->[1] , $cat0->[2]]; } for my $cat1 (@cats_list1){ my $temp = $catlist; $cat1->[0] =~ s###gis; $temp =~ s#\[CATEGORY\]#$cat1->[0]#sg; $temp =~ s#\[COUNT\]#$cat1->[2]#sg; $cat1 = [$temp, $cat1->[0] ,$cat1->[1] , $cat1->[2]]; } for my $cat2 (@cats_list2){ my $temp = $catlist; $cat2->[0] =~ s###gis; $temp =~ s#\[CATEGORY\]#$cat2->[0]#sg; $temp =~ s#\[COUNT\]#$cat2->[2]#sg; $cat2 = [$temp, $cat2->[0] ,$cat2->[1] , $cat2->[2]]; } my @cats_all = sort {$a->[2] cmp $b->[2]} (@cats_list0, @cats_list1, @cats_list2); $MODULES{'CATS_ALL_COLUMN'} = join("\n", map{$_->[0]}@cats_all); $MODULES{'CATS_ALL_COLUMN_REFINED'} = join("\n", grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_all); my $sep1 = scalar(@cats_list0) ? "
    \n" :""; my $sep2 = scalar(@cats_list1) ? "
    \n" :""; $MODULES{'CATS_CUSTOM_COLUMN'} = join("\n", map{$_->[0]}@cats_list0) . $sep1 .join("\n", map{$_->[0]}@cats_list1) . $sep2 . join("\n", map{$_->[0]}@cats_list2); $MODULES{'CATS_CUSTOM_COLUMN_REFINED'} = join("\n", grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list0) . $sep1 . join("\n", grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list1) . $sep2 . join("\n", grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list2); my ($col_len, @cats_all_1 , @cats_all_2); @cats_all_1 = (); @cats_all_2 = (); my ($ref_len, $refined_col_len, @refined_cats_all_1 , @refined_cats_all_2); @refined_cats_all_1 = (); @refined_cats_all_2 = (); if(scalar(@cats_list0) > 0){ $col_len = int(scalar(@cats_list0)/2-0.3); @cats_all_1 = map{$_->[0]}@cats_list0[0..$col_len]; @cats_all_2 = map{$_->[0]}@cats_list0[($col_len+1)..$#cats_list0]; $ref_len = scalar(grep{$_->[0] !~ m#\@#s}@cats_list0); $refined_col_len = int($ref_len/2-0.3); @refined_cats_all_1 = (grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list0)[0..$refined_col_len]; @refined_cats_all_2 = (grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list0)[($refined_col_len+1)..($ref_len-1)]; for (@cats_all_1){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@cats_all_2){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@refined_cats_all_1){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@refined_cats_all_2){ $_ .= "" ; } $MODULES{'CATS_CUSTOM'} .= q!
    ! . join("\n", @cats_all_1) . qq!! . join("\n", @cats_all_2) . "
    ! . join("\n", @refined_cats_all_1) . qq!! . join("\n", @refined_cats_all_2) . "
    "; } @cats_all_1 = (); @cats_all_2 = (); @refined_cats_all_1 = (); @refined_cats_all_2 = (); if(scalar(@cats_list1) > 0){ $col_len = int(scalar(@cats_list1)/2-0.3); @cats_all_1 = map{$_->[0]}@cats_list1[0..$col_len]; @cats_all_2 = map{$_->[0]}@cats_list1[($col_len+1)..$#cats_list1]; $ref_len = scalar(grep{$_->[0] !~ m#\@#s}@cats_list1); $refined_col_len = int($ref_len/2-0.3); @refined_cats_all_1 = (grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list1)[0..$refined_col_len]; @refined_cats_all_2 = (grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list1)[($refined_col_len+1)..($ref_len-1)]; for (@cats_all_1){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@cats_all_2){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@refined_cats_all_1){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@refined_cats_all_2){ $_ .= "" ; } $MODULES{'CATS_CUSTOM'} .= q!
    ! . join("\n", @cats_all_1) . qq!! . join("\n", @cats_all_2) . "
    ! . join("\n", @refined_cats_all_1) . qq!! . join("\n", @refined_cats_all_2) . "
    "; } @cats_all_1 = (); @cats_all_2 = (); @refined_cats_all_1 = (); @refined_cats_all_2 = (); if(scalar(@cats_list2) > 0){ $col_len = int(scalar(@cats_list2)/2-0.3); @cats_all_1 = map{$_->[0]}@cats_list2[0..$col_len]; @cats_all_2 = map{$_->[0]}@cats_list2[($col_len+1)..$#cats_list2]; $ref_len = scalar(grep{$_->[0] !~ m#\@#s}@cats_list2); $refined_col_len = int($ref_len/2-0.3); @refined_cats_all_1 = (grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list2)[0..$refined_col_len]; @refined_cats_all_2 = (grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_list2)[($refined_col_len+1)..($ref_len-1)]; for (@cats_all_1){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@cats_all_2){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@refined_cats_all_1){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@refined_cats_all_2){ $_ .= "" ; } $MODULES{'CATS_CUSTOM'} .= q!
    ! . join("\n", @cats_all_1) . qq!! . join("\n", @cats_all_2) . "
    ! . join("\n", @refined_cats_all_1) . qq!! . join("\n", @refined_cats_all_2) . "
    "; } @cats_all_1 = (); @cats_all_2 = (); @refined_cats_all_1 = (); @refined_cats_all_2 = (); if(scalar(@cats_all) > 0){ $col_len = int(scalar(@cats_all)/2-0.3); @cats_all_1 = map{$_->[0]}@cats_all[0..$col_len]; @cats_all_2 = map{$_->[0]}@cats_all[($col_len+1)..$#cats_all]; $ref_len = scalar(grep{$_->[0] !~ m#\@#s}@cats_all); $refined_col_len = int($ref_len/2-0.3); @refined_cats_all_1 = (grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_all)[0..$refined_col_len]; @refined_cats_all_2 = (grep{$_ !~ m#\@#s}map{$_->[0]}@cats_all)[($refined_col_len+1)..($ref_len-1)]; for (@cats_all_1){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@cats_all_2){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@refined_cats_all_1){ $_ .= "" ; } for (@refined_cats_all_2){ $_ .= "" ; } $MODULES{'CATS_ALL'} = q!
    ! . join("\n", @cats_all_1) . qq!! . join("\n", @cats_all_2) . "
    ! . join("\n", @refined_cats_all_1) . qq!! . join("\n", @refined_cats_all_2) . "
    "; } # print "$_
    \n" for (@cats_all ); $base =~ m#http://(www\.)?dmoz\.org(.*?)$#i; $currentcat = $2; undef $/; my $copright; if(-e "data/copyright.txt"){ open(FILE, "data/copyright.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); $copright = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $copright =~ s#\[CURRENTCAT\]#$currentcat#igs; $copright =~ s#CURRENTCAT#$currentcat#igs; $MODULES{'COPRIGHT'} = $copright; $MODULES{'COPYRIGHT'} = $copright; } else{ open(FILE, "data/copright.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); $copright = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $copright =~ s#\[CURRENTCAT\]#$currentcat#igs; $copright =~ s#CURRENTCAT#$currentcat#igs; $MODULES{'COPRIGHT'} = $copright; $MODULES{'COPYRIGHT'} = $copright; } open(FILE, "data/$CONFIG{'CAT_TEMPLATE_FILE'}"); flock(FILE, 2); $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # autoexec plugins here opendir(EX, "autoexec"); my @execs = grep{m#\.pm$#} readdir(EX); closedir(EX); no strict "refs"; my $exit_ex; for my $ex (@execs){ eval q{ require "autoexec/$ex"; $ex =~ s#\.pm##; &$ex; }; if($@ ne ''){ print qq! Error in autoexec plugin $ex:

    !; $exit_ex = 1; } } exit if($exit_ex == 1); use strict "refs"; # custom plugins opendir(CUSTOM, "custom"); my @customs = grep{m#\.pm$#}readdir(CUSTOM); closedir(CUSTOM); my $exit_custom; for my $custom (@customs){ eval q{ require "custom/$custom"; }; if($@ ne ''){ print qq! Error in custom plugin $custom:

    !; $exit_custom = 1; } } exit if($exit_custom == 1); $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[custom\]\s*([^\[]*?)\s*\[/custom\]#my $aaa=$1; if($aaa =~ m/\(/){eval($aaa)}else{eval("\&$aaa")}#egsi; $VARS{'CURRENT_CAT'} =~ m#([^/]*)$#; my $last_part_cat = $1; # Replace the MODULES $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[module\]\s*([^\[]*?)\s*\[/module\]#$MODULES{$1}#gsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[exists module="([^"]*)"\]([^\[]*)\[/exists\]#eval {my $a = $2;$a if($MODULES{$1})}#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[selective cat="([^"]*)"\]([^\[]*)\[/selective\]#eval {my $a = $2;$a if($VARS{'CURRENT_CAT'} eq $1)}#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[selective_tree cat="([^"]*)"\]([^\[]*)\[/selective_tree\]#eval {my $a = $2;$a if($VARS{'CURRENT_CAT'} =~ m!$1!i)}#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[non_selective_tree cat="([^"]*)"\]([^\[]*)\[/non_selective_tree\]#eval {my $a = $2;$a if($VARS{'CURRENT_CAT'} !~ m!$1!i)}#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[CURRENT_CATEGORY\]#$last_part_cat#egsi; # inserting SSI here. $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[include\s+url="([^"]*)"\]#get_content($1)#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[include\s+path="([^"]*)"\]#transfer_content($1)#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[execute\s+path="([^"]*)"\]#execute_cgi($1)#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[advanced\s+url="([^"]*)"\s+start=!([^!]*)!\s+end=!([^!]*)!\]#adv_get_content($1, $2, $3)#egsi; $netnoc = $VARS{'TEMPLATE'}; &$funky; # Finally the output unless($cehc_on eq "anok"){ print "fatal Error 808
    "; print qq!Please contact ODP++ support to fix this problem!; exit; } print $netnoc; if(lc($CONFIG{'ENABLE_CACHING'}) eq "yes"){ open(FILE, ">cache/$temp_cat.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); print FILE $VARS{'TEMPLATE'}; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); opendir(CACHE, "cache"); my @caches = grep{m#\.txt$#}readdir(CACHE); closedir(CACHE); chdir("cache"); @caches = map{[$_, -M $_]} @caches; if(lc($CONFIG{'USE_TIME_LIMITED_CACHE'}) eq "yes"){ my @expired_caches = map{$_->[0]} grep{ $_->[1] > $CONFIG{'CACHE_DAY_LIMIT'} } @caches; unlink( @expired_caches ); } if(scalar(@caches) > $CONFIG{'MAX_CACHES'}){ @caches = map{$_->[0]} sort{$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @caches; unlink(@caches[$CONFIG{'MAX_CACHES'}..$#caches]); } chdir(".."); } } ######################## # Search results are drawn here ######################## elsif($base =~ m#http://search\.dmoz\.org#i){ $VARS{'PAGE_TYPE'} = "search"; if($base =~ m#search=([^\&]*)(\&|$)#i){ $search_string = $1; } $VARS{'RAW_SEARCH_STRING'} = $search_string; $search_string =~ s#\+# #g; $VARS{'SEARCH_STRING'} = uri_unescape($search_string); open(FILE, "bad_terms.conf"); flock(FILE, 2); my $junk = ; my @search_filters = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); chomp(@search_filters); for my $search_filter (@search_filters){ $search_filter = lc(quotemeta($search_filter)); if(lc($VARS{'SEARCH_STRING'}) =~ m#\b$search_filter\b#){ undef $/; open(FILE, "data/searchfilter.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); my $search_filter_template = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print $search_filter_template; exit; } } $searchoutput = searchextract($base); $MODULES{'SEARCH'}=$searchoutput; eval($tuo); if($searchoutput =~ s#(\n)##is){ $MODULES{'SEARCH_CATS'} = $1; } if($searchoutput =~ s#(

    \[.*?more\.\.\. \]
    )##is){ $MODULES{'SEARCH_CATS_MORE'} = $1; } if($searchoutput =~ s#(\n)##is){ $MODULES{'SEARCH_LINKS'} = $1; } if($searchoutput =~ s#(
    \ .*?
    )##is){ $MODULES{'NEXT'} = $1; } if($searchoutput =~ s#(
    )##is){ $MODULES{'SEARCH_FORM'} = $1; } if($searchoutput =~ s#(.*?
    )##is){ $MODULES{'OUTSEARCH'} = $1; } # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; if( ($MODULES{'SEARCH_CATS'} eq "" and $MODULES{'SEARCH_LINKS'} eq "") or $base =~ m#osearch\?#i){ undef $/; open(FILE, "data/default.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[module\]\s*MAIN\s*\[/module\]#$MODULES{'SEARCH'}#gsi; $netnoc = $VARS{'TEMPLATE'}; &$funky; unless($cehc_on eq "anok"){ print "fatal Error 808
    "; print qq!Please contact ODP++ support to fix this problem!; exit; } print $netnoc; if(lc($CONFIG{'ENABLE_LOGGING'}) eq "yes"){ &access_logs; } exit; } undef $/; open(FILE, "data/search.txt"); flock(FILE, 2); $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} = ; flock(FILE, 8); close(FILE); $/ = "\n"; # autoexec plugins here opendir(EX, "autoexec"); my @search_execs = grep{m#\.pm$#}readdir(EX); closedir(EX); no strict "refs"; my $exit_ex; for my $ex (@search_execs){ eval q{ require "autoexec/$ex"; $ex =~ s#\.pm##; &$ex; }; if($@ ne ''){ print qq! Error in autoexec plugin $ex:

    !; $exit_ex = 1; } } exit if($exit_ex == 1); use strict "refs"; # custom plugins opendir(CUSTOM, "custom"); my @search_customs = grep{m#\.pm$#}readdir(CUSTOM); closedir(CUSTOM); my $exit_custom; for my $custom (@search_customs){ eval q{ require "custom/$custom"; }; if($@ ne ''){ print qq! Error in custom plugin $custom:

    !; $exit_custom = 1; } } exit if($exit_custom == 1); $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[custom\]\s*([^\[]*?)\s*\[/custom\]#my $aaa=$1; if($aaa =~ m/\(/){eval($aaa)}else{eval("\&$aaa")}#egsi; # replace MODULES $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[module\]\s*([^\[]*?)\s*\[/module\]#$MODULES{$1}#gs; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[exists module="([^"]*)"\]([^\[]*)\[/exists\]#eval {my $a = $2;$a if($MODULES{$1})}#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[selective search="([^"]*)"\]([^\[]*)\[/selective\]#eval {my $a = $2;$a if($VARS{'SEARCH_STRING'} =~ /\Q$1/i)}#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[SEARCH_TERMS\]#$VARS{'SEARCH_STRING'}#egsi; # inserting SSI here. $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[include\s+url="([^"]*)"\]#get_content($1)#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[include\s+path="([^"]*)"\]#transfer_content($1)#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[execute\s+path="([^"]*)"\]#execute_cgi($1)#egsi; $VARS{'TEMPLATE'} =~ s#\[advanced\s+url="([^"]*)"\s+start=!([^!]*)!\s+end=!([^!]*)!\]#adv_get_content($1, $2, $3)#egsi; $netnoc = $VARS{'TEMPLATE'}; &$funky; # Finally the output unless($cehc_on eq "anok"){ print "fatal Error 808
    "; print qq!Please contact ODP++ support to fix this problem!; exit; } print $netnoc; } # post processing if(lc($CONFIG{'ENABLE_LOGGING'}) eq "yes"){ &access_logs; } ############################################## # Print The Page Footer # print <<"EOF";

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    EOF ;